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Alessandro Vitelli
Dec 4, 20244 min read
How does the VCM live with the rise of Article 6?
Now that the UNFCCC process has finally put the last building blocks of Article 6 in place, what role does that leave for the voluntary...
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Alessandro Vitelli
Aug 19, 20227 min read
Same old August.... or is it?
European carbon prices have followed their now-traditional course in August by rising on the back of the 50% reduction in auction...
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Alessandro Vitelli
May 25, 20225 min read
Ooooh! Look at that cookie jar!
Last week the European Commission announced its intention to bring roughly 200-250 million EUAs out of the Market Stability Reserve (MSR)...
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Alessandro Vitelli
May 19, 20228 min read
Can Brussels chase the speculators out of the EU ETS?
Party coordinators in European Parliament’s environment committee want to clamp down on speculative traders participating in the EU ETS....
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Alessandro Vitelli
Apr 1, 20223 min read
Deceived wisdom
It’s been a somewhat wild start to 2022. As the energy index below shows, we had a relatively calm start to the year before Russia...
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Alessandro Vitelli
Dec 22, 20218 min read
What a long, strange trip 2021 has been
It’s been a year of tumbling records and high anxiety as carbon prices have explored uncharted territory while natural gas and...
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Alessandro Vitelli
Dec 7, 20215 min read
Edit: December 8 – I've added a third possible interpretation of the Article 29a calculation at the bottom of this post. A few people...
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Alessandro Vitelli
Dec 5, 20216 min read
The Problem with Crypto-Carbon
By now you’ll probably be aware that Blockchain has arrived to disrupt the carbon markets: there’s a whole list of startups who are...
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Alessandro Vitelli
Oct 31, 20218 min read
Glasgow’s Christmas (Article 6) Market
So here comes COP26, buffeted by Covid headwinds and soaring energy costs, not to mention rampant profiteering by the host city and the...
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Alessandro Vitelli
Oct 27, 20215 min read
Europe's Big Choke
It’s all gone rather quiet on carbon lately. Daily trading volume is down, intraday volatility has come right off and some traders are...
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Alessandro Vitelli
Sep 22, 20214 min read
“Nothing surpasses the beauty and elegance of a bad idea.”
It hasn’t taken long for governments to notice the EU ETS, spitting out revenue at the rate of half a billion euros a week, and get the...
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Alessandro Vitelli
Sep 18, 20216 min read
Is it over?
So the latest peak in European carbon prices is over. EUAs climbed to a record of €63.35 on September 8 and have settled back at around...
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Alessandro Vitelli
Sep 15, 20214 min read
What does the current price of EUAs actually represent?
(This article was originally published on September 8 on Carbon Pulse). Despite all the excitement around EUA prices topping €60 for the...
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Alessandro Vitelli
Aug 15, 20217 min read
Are carbon credits (offsets) investable?
I see the conversation on carbon trading Twitter has begun to include a lot of references to carbon credits, which I assume means carbon...
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Alessandro Vitelli
Aug 10, 20214 min read
Carbon’s summer of– NATURAL GAS!
Carbon’s steady progress to the top of the energy agenda, thanks to its 140% rally since November 2 last year, has been brought to a halt...
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Alessandro Vitelli
Jul 9, 20214 min read
Reinventing the Wheel
So the Task Force on Scaling Voluntary Carbon Markets has published its final report with recommendations on how to streamline the...
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Alessandro Vitelli
Jul 6, 20213 min read
Carbon needs to aim higher
(This blog was originally published on Carbon Pulse on 28 June.) Despite a three-week-long rally that has added more than 12% to EUA...
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Alessandro Vitelli
May 31, 20215 min read
Growing pains
The UK ETS has been up and running for more than a week now, and while it might be stretching things to say that we can already see a few...
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Alessandro Vitelli
May 14, 20213 min read
Carbon's "fine mess"
Carbon’s been on a bit of a journey in the last week, and to judge from the chatter in the market there really is no end in sight. How...
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Alessandro Vitelli
May 10, 20216 min read
The next ETS arriving at Platform 4....
Now that EU ETS compliance is over with for another year, the market can metaphorically wash its hands and move on to the next course of...
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